
When planning applications are rejected, there may be scope to re-apply with amended proposals that still satisfy the client's brief but are also acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. A further option is to lodge an Appeal against the refusal of planning permission.

The practice has made many Appeals on behalf of clients with a remarkably high success rate. If it is agreed with the client that the Appeal will be dealt with by Written Representations, the practice will prepare the necessary documentation and evidence to support its case.

If the application is more complex, it may be necessary to ask for a full Public Inquiry to examine the issues in front of a Planning Inspector. Again, the practice can submit the required documentation for the Appeal and, by using its contacts with planning Chambers to secure the assistance of a suitable Barrister who will handle the case. Under the Barrister's guidance, this will normally involve the preparation of evidence by expert witnesses to enable the issues to be thoroughly assessed through cross-examination in the formal arena of an Inquiry. As architects and planning consultants for the application, the practice will provide an expert witness to appear at the Inquiry.


Woodlands Park, Great Dunmow
Replacement Dwelling, Acton
Despite a recommendation of approval from Officers an application to demolish existing flats/bed-sits and erect a detached dwelling and summerhouse, Ealing Borough Council decided to refuse planning permission following extensive lobbying of Members by local residents.

An appeal was lodged by means of Written Representations. On reading the Council's case, it was considered that the Reasons for Refusal were not properly supported by the evidence that was submitted. An application for an Award of Costs was, therefore, made against the Council.

The Planning Inspector allowed the Appeal and granted planning permission. Furthermore, a partial Award of Costs was obtained on behalf of the appellant.
For the latest information on the project.

Matthews Yard, Moreton
Former Animal Research Centre, Stock